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Working with Electricity: Basic Electrical Safety Training Course

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Arm yourself with electrical safety essentials, from circuit flow to hazard recognition and mitigation in the workplace.

16 minutes   |   SKU: AT066    |    Language(s): EN / ES / FR / Other    |    Produced 2023




EN / ES / FR / Other




16 minutes

Training Objectives

Understand the basics of electricity flow in a circuit
Explore the roles of conductors, insulators, and grounding mechanisms
Learn about electric risks, including electric shock and electrical fires
Discuss the hazards of power lines, high/low voltage, and working at height
Learn how to recognize and mitigate common electrical hazards in the workplace
Respond to electrical accidents with basic emergency response procedures

Course Overview

“Current kills!” – Electricity is an important part of our everyday life, but if we're not careful, it can cause serious, even deadly accidents. More than 2,000 people get hurt or worse each year because of electrical mistakes – and most of them aren't even electricians. That's why basic electrical safety training is important for everyone, no matter what job you do. 

This course is designed to equip you with vital knowledge and skills to navigate your daily encounters with electricity safely. Aimed at a wide-ranging audience, the course is as beneficial for construction workers and office employees as it is for electricians.

We'll start by explaining the basics of electricity. You'll learn all about voltage, current, resistance, and the role of conductors, insulators, and grounding in electrical safety. Through engaging illustrations, you'll see how electric circuits work and how our bodies can inadvertently become part of these paths.

Next, we dive into the physiological effects of electric shocks, the dangers of working at height, the hazards associated with power lines, and the difference between high voltage and low voltage. You'll learn about "freezing," a phenomenon where low voltage can lead to dangerous prolonged exposure. We will also equip you with vital emergency response procedures and discuss the complexities of electrical fires.

In the final section, you’ll learn how to recognize and mitigate electrical hazards, focusing on the three main culprits of electrical accidents: unsafe equipment and installations, unsafe environments, and unsafe work practices. We’ll guide you through the identification of hazardous situations and provide strategies to mitigate these risks.

Remember, knowledge is just the first step. The true key to electrical safety lies in applying this knowledge in your daily life and work. So whether you’re a construction worker, an office manager, or just plugging in a device at home – this course could save your life!

This program is available with Amharic, Arabic, Bosnian, Creole, Croatian, French, Kurdish, Nepali, Spanish, Swahili, and Vietnamese closed captions.

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