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Data Privacy Training (GDPR, CCPA)

In today’s data-driven world, ensuring the privacy of personal information is not just a legal obligation but also a business imperative. Our comprehensive training program focuses on the two most influential data privacy regulations globally: the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). We empower your organization to understand the intricacies of these regulations, enabling you to handle personal data responsibly and ethically.

Data Privacy Training (GDPR, CCPA) (0)

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Hey Atlantic Training, how does immigration compliance training help our organization prevent legal risks, and I-9 accuracy?

Failure to comply with I-9 regulations can lead to serious legal and financial consequences for employers. This training program provides clear guidance on completing and managing Form I-9, verifying employee work eligibility, and following proper documentation procedures. Learn how to prevent errors, respond to audits, and ensure compliance with federal immigration laws. We also cover best practices for document retention, avoiding discrimination in the hiring process, and handling re-verification requirements. A strong I-9 compliance program protects businesses from costly penalties and ensures legal workforce management. Investing in this training helps employers meet federal requirements, reduce liability, and create a structured, risk-free approach to immigration compliance.