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The Plain Writing Act Made Simple Training Course

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Master the Plain Writing Act of 2010: clear, concise government communication for all citizens.

29 minutes   |   SKU: ABCPLA    |    Language(s): EN    |    Produced 2023








29 minutes

Training Objectives

Understand the purpose and requirements of the Plain Writing Act of 2010
Identify key responsibilities for federal agencies under the Act
Learn to apply plain writing principles to government documents
Recognize the types of documents requiring plain writing
Utilize headings, pronouns, and bullet points for clarity
Conduct effective testing to ensure clear communication

Course Overview

The Plain Writing Act of 2010 mandates that federal government communication be clear and easily understood by all citizens. Previously, government documents were often filled with jargon and complex language, leading to confusion and missed benefits. The Act requires writing that is clear, concise, and well-organized, saving time and resources for both the public and government agencies. Each federal agency must appoint a senior official to oversee the implementation of plain writing, provide training, and establish compliance mechanisms. Agencies must also create a plain writing section on their websites, explaining their implementation and allowing for public input.

Documents requiring plain writing include those needed to receive government benefits and services, file taxes, understand federal benefits or services, and comply with regulations. This applies to both paper and electronic formats, including letters, forms, notices, instructions, and publications. Plain writing helps the public understand and receive benefits, comply with regulations, and reduces errors and resource usage within government agencies.

Effective plain writing involves understanding the audience, addressing their needs directly, and organizing information logically. Using headings, short paragraphs, bullet points, and clear pronouns enhances readability. Testing assumptions through paraphrase and usability testing ensures effective communication. Adhering to these guidelines not only improves readability but also complies with the law, enhancing the efficiency of government communication.

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Not Ready to Sign Up?
No Worries. Here’s Some Helpful Info.

What is the main purpose of the Plain Writing Act of 2010?

To ensure that federal government communication is clear and easily understood by all citizens.

Who is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Plain Writing Act in each federal agency?

A senior official designated by the head of each executive agency.

What types of documents are required to adhere to plain writing guidelines?

Documents necessary for receiving benefits and services, filing taxes, understanding federal benefits or services, and complying with government regulations.

How should pronouns be used in plain writing to ensure clarity?

Pronouns should clearly refer to a specific noun and be defined when necessary, using "you" to directly address the reader.

What are some techniques for testing the effectiveness of plain writing?

Paraphrase testing, usability testing, and controlled comparative studies (A-B testing).

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