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Hand and Power Tools: Best Practices Training Course

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This training will help identify common safety concerns associated with the use of hand and power tools and how to mitigate these issues.

11 minutes   |   SKU: AT091    |    Language(s): EN / ES / FR / Other    |    Produced 2024




EN / ES / FR / Other




11 minutes

Training Objectives

Identify safety concerns associated with hand and power tool use
Describe ways to safely use a variety of hand and power tools
Understand how to handle safety concerns
Follow OSHA Standards for hand and power tools

Course Overview

Do you use hand or power tools in your daily work? Do you think you know how to use them safely? Hand and power tools make our lives easier, but also pose significant safety risks. Everything from a simple screwdriver to a large machine press can cause injury or even death. The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) provides clear standards aimed at protecting employees from the dangers of hand and power tool use (CFR 29 1910 and 1926). 

Many workers are unaware of the dangers using hand and power tools poses. In some cases, you may be currently using unsafe tools and not even know about it! Sometimes, feeling overconfident in tool use can lead to a lax attitude towards these dangers. This lack of focus and concern about tool safety can lead to serious injury. In fact, you may not even be aware of the potential hazards!

Under OSHA’s General Industry and Construction Standards (CFR 29 1910 and 1926), employers are responsible for the inspection and upkeep of hand and power tools used on the job site. However, it is the responsibility of all to report any safety issues immediately and discontinue the use of that tool. Due to this, everyone must be aware of the guidelines for the safe use of such tools and the procedures for reporting unsafe conditions.  

This course will help you identify and respond to potentially hazardous incidents using hand and power tools. From hammers to drills to industrial machines, every tool has specific safety guidelines to be followed. If you use any type of hand or power tool on the job at any time, this training is for you!

This program is available with Spanish, French, and Korean closed captions.

Compliance Standards & Regulations

This course references the standards and regulations listed below.

29 CFR 1910.241-244, 29 CFR 1926.300-302, 305; 307

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Not Ready to Sign Up?
No Worries. Here’s Some Helpful Info.

What are five rules OSHA recommends for hand and power tool safety?

Keep all tools in good condition and regularly maintained, use the right tool for the job, examine each tool for damage before use and do not use damaged tools, operate tools according to the manufacturers’ instructions, provide and use the right personal protective equipment for each tool.

What types of tools are covered under OSHA standards 1910 and 1926?

Hand and power tools used for general industry and construction.

Who is responsible for the inspection and upkeep of tools onsite?

Under OSHA Standards, employers are responsible for inspecting and maintaining all onsite tools, even those provided by the employees.

What are some examples of personal protective gear that should be worn?

Goggles, ear protection, boots and gloves.

What is the most common injury associated with the use of saws?

Finger injuries are the most prevalent when using saws. These injuries can be prevented by using a guard on saw blades and keeping fingers out of the cutting area.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this page is subject to change and is for promotional and informational purposes only. Prior to acting on the information contained on this page, verify all information against the latest OSHA and applicable standards, regulations, and guidelines. Please also contact us with any questions you have related to this information. Under no circumstances will Atlantic Training, LLC be held responsible for direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental injuries or damages, or any damages or injuries whatsoever, whether resulting from contract, negligence, or other torts, related to the utilization of this information or the contents of this page. Atlantic Training retains the right to incorporate, remove, or adjust the contents on this page without prior notice.