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EHS Software with a Custom-Built
Learning Management System.

Environmental, Health and Safety Software By Atlantic Training.


Course Builder



Training Toolbox


So, what the heck is a learning management system
and why do you need one?

For one thing, it will make your job way easier. Everyone loves that.

An LMS, also known as a Learning Management System, is a software designed to help businesses and organizations manage and deliver e-learning content and resources to their employees. Remember the days when Safety Officers or Learning Development Managers would gather employees together and educate an entire company over the course of an entire day or week? It was super time-consuming and costly, right? Once you factor in the cost and time it takes to review tests and ensure employees have retained the information provided, it’s no wonder that businesses are leaning on Learning Management Systems to replace the traditional in-person sessions.

Employees can take courses at their own pace without the need of an instructor. Everything can be easily monitored by your Learning Development Manager, HR Manager or Safety Manager. Pinpointing the exact time and date that an employee has completed and passed a course is simple. And, all information is stored in one central location making it quick and easy to review employee progress.

There are many providers that specialize in Learning Management Systems, but in most cases, it’s
up to you to develop the content. This means you’ll need to create your own videos or find a
source that offers training videos that are compatible with your system. To provide your employees
with the best learning experience; you’ll also need to develop your own tests, study guides and
powerpoints. Developing all of these components requires a significant amount of time. This is
where Atlantic Training stands out amongst the pack.

Helps manage and deliver e-learning content
to employees.

Replaces in-person training, enabling
self-paced learning.

Progress can be easily monitored and reviewed
in one place.

Atlantic Training offers comprehensive content
development services.

What sets Atlantic Training’s LMS apart from other options?

An LMS without content has less purpose than a paperweight,
but can be more expensive than your company car.

There are many businesses that offer just a learning management system. Atlantic Training also offers an LMS as part of an all-encompassing EHS Software Platform, called WAVE. We’ll dive into the other features of WAVE farther down this page, but for now, we’ll just focus on the learning management aspect of our software. The biggest takeaway that we hope people understand is that once you have an LMS, your job isn’t done…unless you’re working with us. We’re not just a software company. That wouldn’t be fair to our customers. Our goal is to make the lives of our customers easier, and offering the LMS without the content is just giving customers more work.


Get a Learning Management System with
all of the training content that you could ever need.

Atlantic Training is a content provider AND software development company. You’re not just getting a learning management system. You are getting a ton of courses with quizzes, study guides, powerpoints, and more.

This means you don’t have to worry about developing your own courses and doing the in-depth research to ensure courses are providing the most current educational information. We have a team of professionals following the latest trends and OSHA/DOL guidelines. It’s not easy to do this!

Make it yours with custom options.

For those looking for a more custom-tailored LMS, we can customize the look and feel of our software to match your brand. We understand how important internal branding is to businesses, so we offer this as one of our premium options.

Speaking of custom, there is also a custom course builder within WAVE. Not only can you develop your own courses, but you can use our course builder to modify many of our training videos. For example, you’ll have the capability to segment most training videos and add your own tests throughout the duration of the course. This means you’ll be able to get very granular with how those training courses apply to the specific environments of your business. Pretty awesome, right? This is why having all the content and an LMS together is a total game-changer. It’s the difference between training your team almost immediately or having your team wait for months while you build out your LMS.


Track and support employee growth.

Although WAVE is highly comprehensive, the simplicity of our software is what appeals to customers. Upon successful completion of a training course, the employee will have the ability to save their certificate of completion. Our software will also log the time, date and course taken under that user’s profile and house that information for future reference. In the event that they lose the certificate, no worries, they will be able to access that information at any time.

Learning Development Managers will also have the ability to see which courses are the most popular, giving them insight regarding which topics teams are most interested in. This is an excellent way to support your team’s growth and contribute to employee retention because you’re providing them with educational content they actually want.

Why would you need EHS software and
how is it different from an LMS?

You’re going to love this. Seriously, it’s
mind-boggling why everyone in this
industry doesn’t take the same approach.

All companies require some degree of employee compliance to keep everyone healthy and safe. HR Managers or Safety Managers, depending on the business type, are the common professionals that have this responsibility. EHS Software, also known as Environmental, Health and Safety Software provides all the necessary tools to reduce risk and improve the safety of employees. This system allows you to store and analyze health and safety, sustainability and waste management data. In many instances these same professionals are responsible for employee growth and development which includes everything from safety training to soft skills training.

That’s where a learning management system comes into play. An LMS provides the courses and education, while the EHS software allows you to store all data related to health and safety, sustainability and waste management.

Raising the bar for total compliance, safety and
employee growth.

You’re probably seeing a theme here…Our EHS software, WAVE, gives you the capability to record and track incidents, manage safety data sheets (SDS), has a built-in learning management system, and comes with all the courses you could possibly need to train your team to be total rockstars. We’ve literally combined everything that a successful company requires into one easy-to-use system. Smart, right? Well, that might be an overstatement. Maybe it’s just common sense, but either way, we think WAVE is an absolute no-brainer.

Our EHS Software, WAVE, is free if purchased
with courses.

Atlantic Training is all about the solution. WAVE is completely free when setting up a plan, giving you and your team all the tools needed to launch a custom training program for your company. Our advisors will walk you through everything, making the process quick and easy. We can even get you up and running the same day, depending on when we’re contacted, of course.

Already have your own courses and content?

No problem, friend. We’ve got that covered as well.

WAVE is already developed to work with a wide range of different video formats. And, even if you already have your own courses, Atlantic Training is producing more and more titles on a monthly basis. The name of the game is staying current with guidelines and the needs of today’s modern employees and businesses. You can upload your courses and depending on the plan you have with us, we can make sure you have the latest and greatest training courses available, all accessible through WAVE.