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Understanding People

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Deepen your understanding of people. Gain insights into human behavior, emotions, and effective communication.

23 minutes   |   SKU: 2001A    |    Language(s): EN    |    Produced 2008








23 minutes

Training Objectives

Explore human behavior and influences
Enhance empathy and communication skills
Teach conflict resolution strategies
Promote understanding and inclusivity

Course Overview

Understanding People - A Supervisor's Perspective program is designed to provide an overview of how these relationships occur and the basic psychology of human behavior. 

The most important aspect of leadership is the relationship developed between management and employees. This relationship determines the organization's efficiency, discipline, safety, security, productivity.

Course Outline:

  • Theory of Hierarchy
  • McGregor's Theory
  • Hawthorne Studies
  • Job Content or Hygiene
  • Feedback
  • Perception
  • Feelings and Attitude
  • Motivation

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