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The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Training Course

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Learn about GLBA's impact on safeguarding customer information & financial institution responsibilities.

15 minutes   |   SKU: ABCGLBA    |    Language(s): EN    |    Produced 2020








15 minutes

Training Objectives

Understand GLBA's purpose and its impact on financial institutions
Recognize GLBA standards for customer info protection
Examine GLBA's Financial Privacy, Safeguard rules
Discover GLBA best practices for NPI protection
Learn anti-pretexting methods; boost data privacy
Craft GLBA-compliant info security plans effectively

Course Overview

In this course, you'll explore the Graham-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) of 1999, a crucial legislation governing financial institutions' responsibilities in safeguarding customers' non-public personal information (NPI). Delve into the legal standards, obligations, and best practices under GLBA, including the Financial Privacy Rule, Safeguard Rule, and Pretexting Provisions. Understand how privacy notices, opt-out options, and information security plans play vital roles in compliance and consumer protection.

Explore the intricacies of GLBA's requirements for financial institutions, from defining Non-Public Personal Information (NPI) to implementing robust information security measures. Discover how GLBA's Pretexting Provisions combat deceptive practices, ensuring customer trust and data integrity. Gain insights into effective strategies for preventing pre-texting schemes and enhancing data privacy across financial operations.

Equip yourself with actionable knowledge to navigate GLBA's complex landscape, from privacy notices to opt-out mechanisms. Learn to create and implement information security plans that align with GLBA's Safeguard Rule, fostering a culture of data protection and regulatory compliance within financial institutions.

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