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Materials Handling Safety Training

Incidents with material handling are one of the leading causes of workplace injuries. Although some injuries may only be due to issues with ergonomics, others could be a result of falling materials, hazards with forklifts, or issues around heavy machinery. Even though materials handling may be second nature to some of your employees, you can’t afford to skip materials handling safety training. Our training programs cover everything needed to transport materials safely, from planning a job to proper lifting techniques. This training will actively cut down on the risks and injuries associated with your company.

Materials Handling Safety Training (21)

Material Handling: Proper Lifting Techniques Training Course

Material Handling: Proper Lifting Techniques Training Course

Quick Info

SKU: AT068

Languages: EN ES FR

Produced: 2023

SKU: AT068

Languages: EN ES FR

Produced: 2023

13 minutes


Hey Atlantic Training, my team knows materials handling. Why do we need your materials handling safety training programs?

Materials are transported every day using hand trucks, dollies, forklifts, or heavy machinery. What may seem like a normal day at work for these handlers could be the scene of a fatal accident if everyone isn’t compliant with proper handling procedures. You as an employer are obligated to provide this training for everyone on your team. Additionally, OSHA has set mandatory regulations for the various ways that materials are transported. When you take our training, you’ll be better equipped to avoid all casualties, from fatalities to back issues.