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Machinery Safety Training

Machinery-related injuries are, unfortunately, too common in the workplace. Particularly in agricultural, mining, manufacturing, and construction fields, there is a strong need for proper training for those working around machinery. OSHA has mandated Machine Guard Safety regulations for work sites operating with or near heavy machinery. By using our machine guarding training with your employees, you significantly reduce their chance of being injured on the job. This type of training will also likely result in lives saved.

Search Results - Machinery Safety Training (32)

Personal Protective Equipment & Decontamination Procedures

Personal Protective Equipment & Decontamination Procedures

Quick Info

SKU: CS186

Languages: EN ES

Produced: 2014

SKU: CS186

Languages: EN ES

Produced: 2014

21 minutes

Overhead Pendant Hoist Safety (Machinery)

Overhead Pendant Hoist Safety (Machinery)

Quick Info

SKU: 1034H

Languages: EN

Produced: 2008

SKU: 1034H

Languages: EN

Produced: 2008

14 minutes


Hey Atlantic Training, my team knows safety protocols around machinery. Why do we need your machinery safety training programs?

When it comes to machinery accidents, there is a 90% chance that it was caused by human error rather than a machinery malfunction. Although there is little you can do to prevent malfunctions outside regular maintenance, there is a lot you can do to prevent human error around machinery. Regularly refreshing your employees’ safety knowledge with in-depth machinery safety training is the best way you can keep them safe. By investing in machinery safety training, you can significantly reduce the risk of accidents, injuries, and fatalities in your workplace, while simultaneously improving productivity and job output.