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Hearing Safety Training

Once your hearing is damaged, it can be nearly impossible to fully recover. Loud noises in the workplace can lead to acoustic trauma and affect the hearing of your employees. Approximately 30 million Americans are exposed to high-intensity workplace noise on a daily basis. Permanent hearing loss is most often caused by overexposure to intense noise and a lack of hearing safety equipment. The standards for Occupational Exposure to Noise have been put in place by NIOSH and OSHA to protect your employees from overexposure to loud noise. Our training provides employees with the guidelines to protect their hearing.

Hearing Safety Training (11)

Cal/OSHA Preventing Hearing Loss Training Course

Cal/OSHA Preventing Hearing Loss Training Course

Quick Info

SKU: 5208

Languages: EN

Produced: 2021

SKU: 5208

Languages: EN

Produced: 2021

10 minutes


Hey Atlantic Training, we have hearing protection equipment for our employees already. Why should we take your hearing safety training courses?

As it stands now, over 7.5 million workers in America will suffer from work-related hearing loss. Much of this hearing loss is easily preventable with the proper training and safety equipment. OSHA’s hearing protection regulations are put in place to protect employees from permanent hearing damage while on the job. Their regulations require you to train your employees on human ear functions and physiology, the different types of hearing loss and damage, and hearing protection practices. By taking our courses, you’ll be complying with OSHA’s mandatory hearing regulations, as well as protecting the hearing of your employees.