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Emergency Plans Training

You hope disaster never strikes, but in the event that it does, it’s vital that you and your employees have all completed thorough emergency plans training. The cost of these emergencies will run organizations into the billion-dollar mark with damages to property, but the damage to the lives of your employees can be irreparable. For this reason, OSHA, SARA Title III, and numerous state regulations require that facilities complete emergency response training on a regular basis. Meet these requirements, and ensure the safety of your staff, with these training courses to help enforce emergency response protocols.

Emergency Plans Training (27)

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Hey Atlantic Training, my team is already good in a crisis. Can your courses help them become experts in emergency response training?

One hundred percent. Not only will your employees be experts on emergency response training, but you’ll be meeting OSHA’s requirements on emergency planning and crisis management too. As much as we would love to be able to train your team on every possible emergency that could happen to them, our training is much more effective when employees take ownership over the unique circumstances they’ve been dealt with at their workplace. Being able to intuitively come up with a plan in case of an emergency is a skill that will serve them for the rest of their careers. Not only is it an investment in your employees, but it’s an investment in your organization as well.