A food preparation worker is responsible for a lot more than making sure something is delicious. Handling food products all day that are meant for others to consume means that they are susceptible to many potential illnesses, and have to stay healthy themselves to protect others. Below, you’ll find a list of training topics that …
Meal planning and organization of cooking meals requires many to commonly plan meals that day and not in advance. Deciding what to eat for the meal can be based on a number of things like, how much can be spent, health and nutrition of the meal, ease of cooking the meal and if there is …
Keep your space—and stomach—clean. Maintain a clean and orderly kitchen. Practice smart shopping. Purchase non-perishable items first. Never choose packaging that is torn, dented, leaking, rusted, bulging, or otherwise damaged. Check expiration dates and buy fresh products. Also note the “best before” label. Ask for information concerning unpackaged foods. Be alert for local, national, and international …