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March 30, 2014

Construction Safety Training Powerpoints

Fall Protection and Construction Safety by KCA

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    This training powerpoint was created by Keystone Contractors Association to share best practices on construction fall prevention and fall protection. It covers OSHA regulations, ladder safety, and offer ideas on how to manage continuous improvement of your Fall Hazards Exposures.

Working Around Equipment / Struck By / Backing Hazards by NPCA

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    This training powerpoint was created by National Precast Concrete Association to discuss the two injuries that occur in a construction atmosphere: being struck by and back over. It discusses equipment safety and how to work safely around heavy equipments.

Struck By/Caught Between in Construction by Delaware DOL

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Delaware DOL

    This training powerpoint was created by Delaware Department of Labor, and provides the top two injuries that occur in a construction atmosphere: being struck by or caught in between equipment. It lists potential struck by/caught between scenarios, identifies and recognized struck by/caught between hazards and covers how to control struck by/caught between hazards.

Construction Fall Prevention by CPWR

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    This PowerPoint presentation was created by The Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR). It shows statistics on construction fatalities by using chart and images. It lists the OSHA standards regarding fall protection in construction and covers on how to create the necessary conditions for their workers to work safely at heights.

Construction Workzone Safety by Georgia Institute of Technology

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Georgia Institute of Technology

    This training powerpoint was created by Georgia Institute of Technology. It covers accident prevention signs, danger and caution signs, mechanized equipments and more.

Construction Safety by Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource

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Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource

    This training powerpoint was created by Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource. It covers the elements of an effective construction safety program.

The construction industry has many different moving parts. All of which can have many elements below them that each contain their own set of safety hazards. Thats why construction remains one of the most dangerous industries to work in.

These construction safety training PowerPoints aim to touch on the major safety hazards associated with performing construction job duties.

DISCLAIMER: All free PowerPoints provided on this website have been created by third parties. The copyright owners of these powerpoint presentations have no affiliation with Atlantic Training. If you wish to have an item removed or have any questions regarding this information, please contact us at

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