There is a potential for disaster occurring at work, knowing how prepared the company and your fellow employees are can be a life saver. Its better to have a plan of action than none at all. Danger and disaster can come in many forms; fire, natural disasters, loss of power, chemical spills or gas leaks, …
Nearly half of all workers say they have a bad boss and the stress they experience over a poor relationship with their boss is taking up more than just time at work, but also time away from work. Employees are spending over six hours on weekends worrying about their boss, add that in to the …
Overworked Americans are stressed from putting in too many hours on the job. With seventy-five percent working over forty hours during the week even though over half dislike or are dissatisfied with their job, one in three work fifty or more hours per week. The consequences of spending too many hours on the job are; …
Some stress at work is normal, however, excessive amounts of stress not only interferes with worker productivity but it also greatly impacts emotional and physical health. The ability to cope with stress may mean the difference between failure and success as well as the difference between being healthy or not. Not everything can be controlled …
Meal planning and organization of cooking meals requires many to commonly plan meals that day and not in advance. Deciding what to eat for the meal can be based on a number of things like, how much can be spent, health and nutrition of the meal, ease of cooking the meal and if there is …
Wellness programs are set up at companies in order to offer employees health services and information while encouraging the workforce to make changes with healthier lifestyles, wellness management as well as measures in disease and illness prevention. Is the cost incurred by the corporation in implementing these programs worthwhile? Many employers say yes. They have …
Employers are beginning to see the state of addiction within their workforces. Substance abuse is costing American companies billions of dollars in cost of health care as well as loss of productivity. Companies use drug testing and other assistance programs to help combat the problems and help employees cope or resolve their drug and alcohol …
The devastating dangers of fire to pet safety can be averted by being prepared, having knowledge of the truth about fire and creating a protection plan for pets. Pet owners who have preparedness emergency plans in place will have peace of mind knowing their pet and home are better protected agains loss from fire. People …
The modern warehouse can be a dangerous work environment. There are fatalities along with general injuries from workplace accidents in warehouses related to forklifts, docks and conveyors. With over seven thousand operational warehouses employing more than 145,000 workers warehouse safety videos and plans for prevention can help businesses save costs on Workers Compensation claims and …