When you think of workplace safety hazards, chances are you’re thinking of machinery accidents or other types of disasters. Most people don’t go to work worried about slips, trips, and falls, but these types of injuries are the second leading cause of occupational injuries annually. In the worst cases, they can lead to disabling or even fatal injuries. These kinds of accidents cost businesses millions of dollars annually in workers comp, medical bills, and lost productivity. Reduce your chances of these kinds of injuries by providing slips, trips, and falls safety training for your staff
Proper housekeeping and employee awareness can be enough to prevent many slips and falls at your organization. Unfortunately, too many employers forget to provide this type of training, resulting in millions of dollars addressing workplace injuries. OSHA has even created mandatory regulations in order to address these kinds of injuries. Spending a small amount of time auditing your housekeeping and training your employees could save you a lot of headaches and money in the long run. Our training offers it all to you in an easy-to-understand format and user-friendly experience.